SkillUP Blog

We all recognize that climbing a mountain is always easier when you have the support of others. The team at the Academy for eLearning knows that we didn’t get to where we are in our professional careers alone. We had many “influencers” along the way who provided insight, perspective, and experience. There’s so much value in the wisdom of a “tribe”!

We invite you to join us on this continuing journey of personal and professional growth. Contribute, connect, collaborate and be part of the discussion.
Because together we are truly remarkable!

5 Characteristics of Truly Inspiring Leaders

5 Characteristics of Truly Inspiring Leaders

I think we would all agree that we need more leaders worth following.  Are you ready to become the kind of leader who draws people together, brings out their personal best, and creates truly rare results? While there are plenty of bosses out there worthy of admiration, there are only a handful of leaders who can drive energy and passion from the...

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Seek First to Understand

Seek First to Understand

Seek to understand, then to be understood. This is Habit 5 of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and it seems easy enough to do on the surface. Still, for many people, myself included, it can be a difficult habit to implement.  I will admit that I am often not the best listener.  When I am in a conversation and a friend brings...

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Thoughts About Roles vs. Purpose

Thoughts About Roles vs. Purpose

We all have roles.  We are leaders, employees, parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives and the list goes on ad infinium.  We perform numerous tasks based on the labels we attach to ourselves.  While these roles are important and help us build our perception of ourselves and our lives, I wonder if there might be a deeper, more profound...

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What is Your Personal “I AM” Statement?

What is Your Personal “I AM” Statement?

I wanted to share this blog post with you because I believe that knowing who you are and what you are called to do is a critical component of living a more meaningful life…and a strong personal "I Am" statement can help you get there. When I was in my 20’s and 30’s, I was focused on climbing the corporate ladder as fast as possible with little...

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An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

With the Thanksgiving holiday just around the corner, we turn our focus to being thankful. This time of year can give us that warm, cozy feeling when we spend time feeling thankful for the things in our lives. The Oxford Dictionary defines the word thankful as “pleased and relieved.” Both of those are great feelings. Everyone wants to feel...

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Our Choices Matter

Our Choices Matter

Our entire lives are made up of choices, big and small, that define the shape of our lives, the depth of our spiritual practice, and the expansiveness of our joy. Do all our choices really matter? Well, yes… they absolutely do! We explore this concept in more detail in this month’s blog post from the Academy for eLearning.

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“I Didn’t Know I Was Allowed to Dream”

Have you seen the NBC show, “America’s Got Talent?”  I’m a fan and watch it regularly.  Why?  Because it gives ‘everyday’ people the opportunity to showcase their skills and abilities on one of the largest stages possible, broadcasting to literally hundreds of thousands of people, and that makes me feel good! If you watch the show, you know that...

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Hacking Stress – 10 Simple, but Powerful, Reminders

Hacking Stress – 10 Simple, but Powerful, Reminders

It has never been more important than ever to take control of how we intentionally care for ourselves.  In 2020 the U.S.A., and the whole world, faced an unprecedented shocking viral pandemic, (a.k.a. COVID19 or Coronavirus), that forced us to make all-encompassing changes, innovate and make new life choices. It opened our eyes to the importance...

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5 Tips for Recruiting & Hiring Post-COVID

5 Tips for Recruiting & Hiring Post-COVID

Thirty million— that's roughly how many Americans are currently collecting some form of unemployment benefits, according to the US Department of Labor. Putting that in perspective - one in five workers are still without a full-time job as the U.S. economy continues its slow recovery from the COVID pandemic. With all that talent available,...

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Academy for eLearning: The why, how, what.

Academy for eLearning: The why, how, what.

I’ll be completely honest in saying that I have zero experience in writing blogs. But I believe that to get to know the Academy for eLearning a bit of background may be helpful - the “why” behind the existence of yet another eLearning company on the landscape of thousands of others. So, for better or worse, here I go... Please indulge me for a...

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