So many of our clients talk about the experience of waking up one day and looking around at their lives — their careers, their homes, their relationships, their health, their spiritual well-being — and think: THIS IS MY LIFE?! THIS?!

Our entire lives are made up of choices, big and small, that define the shape of our lives, the depth of our spiritual practice, and the expansiveness of our joy. We choose all the small things: what to say, what to eat, when we sleep, what we read and watch. Even sitting here right now reading this blog post from me is a choice. We choose all the big things: who to spend time with, where to live, what to do for work, what to believe about God, the world we live in, and the meaning of it all.

But so many of these choices can feel like they’re being done TO us. They’re made on auto-pilot. We choose what we think is being expected of us, or what we see other people choose, or what we innocently hope will make us happy.

And then, when you wake up to your life…to the sum of all your choices…everything as it is today…it can be overwhelming to think that YOU choose it all!  But what if we want to make changes…

Where do you start?  Do you even know where to start?  You want to make different choices and want to change your life (whether that’s with your health, work, family, or relationships) but you see yourself repeating the same choices over and over again.

If this represents you, there is good news!  It may feel like you’re stuck or that your life will never shift, but the same way that you got to this life — choice after choice — is the same way you can get to a happier, more aligned life.

Begin today by noticing the choices you make. Are you going to sit scrolling social media, or spend time interacting with your children? Are you going to order quick fast food on the run, or sit down and give your body exactly the kind of nourishment it is craving? Will you say the uncomfortable honest thing, or smile and stay silent as not to ‘stir the pot?’ Notice how you spend your time, how you spend your money, and how you use your energy.

Now choose…what are you going to do after finishing reading this blog post?

Be sure to make it count!
